Word Salad
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Text-to-speech is a common redeem that I see on many channels. However, I feel that the open-ended nature encourages chatters to say whatever intrusive thought crosses their mind, with little concern for length or disruption.
By restricting the pool of available words, "Word Salad" presents the chatter with a fun puzzle. Thus, to say anything coherent at all feels like a small victory, and figuring out how to convey your desired sentiment requires critical thinking. It's good exercise for the mind and soul.
"Word Salad" is a text-to-speech application with a twist: rather than using speech synthesis, it instead uses sentence mixing. By providing pre-recorded words as individual files, "Word Salad" is able to assemble sentences to play back as audio. Perfect for Twitch redeems and the like!
Enjoy features such as:
- Ability to create your own word banks from any source!
- Easy integration with OBS, Twitch, and other streaming tools!
- Dynamically-generated word list to share with your chatters!
You can read the full setup guide in-app or here on GitHub.
You can check out the launch trailer here. I was on a huge "Pokémon: Battle Revolution" kick while making this whole thing. It shows.
Additional Credits
- The voice sample I use in the trailer is of Rodger Parsons, who serves as the primary narrator of the Pokémon Anime, as well as the shoutcaster for the "Pokémon: Battle Revolution" video game.
- Big shoutout to Izve Mashina for making the logo!